Friday, October 31, 2014

October 27, 2014


Hey what's up everybody??  Glad you're really enjoying your new calling, Mom!  I'm itchin to see any hunting pictures Dad and Cam have! Things are going pretty well out here. I've never been so happy in my life. Sooo thankful to be a missionary :)

Alright, so first things first, to clear up a little bit about this infection that I had: the doctor never really shed light on how this infection started... I pretty much think that it started as an in-grown hair that I tried to fix myself and that under the heat and humidity of Mexico just got infected. Don't worry mom, I'm doing my best to stay away from the machete-weilders ;).haha. But I'm doing good now! Almost back to normal. I'm gonna be "resting" until Thursday this week. Since last Monday, I haven't been in my own area. While I'm kind of in the recovery stage, they have me in a threesome with the two mission secretaries. So for the last week, I've been archiving and sending out missionary referrals here in the offices. I'm getting my time in as a secretary, hoping that that will look good on a resume in the future ;) But I'm with Elder Olsen, who was my companion in the MTC, and Elder Fausett, who is from Pennsylvania. We're having a blast together, we all get along great. Most of the day, we're in the offices doing office work and we spend very little time actually in the area. But these guys are great. It's really funny because, as I'm not supposed to walk around too much, I totally am I huge responsibility for these guys haha like they have to lug me around to all these places that they have to go and I have to walk real slow. It's pretty dang funny, but I almost feel kinda bad. But Elder Fausett and Elder Olsen are great, they never complain. But yeah, basically this whole week we've been here doing office stuff! I'm looking forward to returning to my own area this week to continue working. Elder McNamara misses me, I just know it! haha. 

I should apologize for this letter, and the one from last week for not being so entertaining or informative. Lots of sitting around, lots of resting, and lots of little office jobs have been the highlights of this week :) But I'm trying not to get too impatient. The offices are fun.  Aside from Elder Olsen and Elder Fausett, Elder Hallman who was also in the MTC with me and Elder Granda who is from Ecuador are here as the assistants to the president and I know them both really well so we all just have a good time! But things are going well. I promise a better letter this next week :)) I love you guys sooo soo much!! Keep up the good work!

Mucho amor, 

Elder Webb

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