Saturday, October 18, 2014

October 13, 2014


I'm looking at these pics from the state golf tournament, and instead of being proud of Cam and the team, I'm looking at the gear and clothes that they've all got and I'm super jealous. Why didn't I ever get that kind of equipment in my glory days??? Nah--just kidding Cam I'm so pumped and so proud of you and the rest of the team. Thats so awesome!!!

We're staying busy here! My companion is from Ohio, but lived in Draper for about 2 years before coming out on his mission. He's on his last transfer in the mission so I'm just trying to keep him alive ;) haha no he's a stud we have a good time together. This week we had a lot of good experiences. We're working, as I think I mentioned, in two wards. Back home, I don't think it's abnormal for missionaries to be assigned like a whole stake or more right? Here it's a little unusual to have two wards for one companionship. It's tough to stay organized, and on Sundays it is a looooong day at church because we have to go to both of the wards. But things are going well! We're seeing the hand of the Lord in our lives and in the area. We've been really praying lately to find the people that the Lord has prepared to receive the gospel, and I think we got an answer to that prayer, at least in part.
We went to look for a young man from the ward named Cristofer, who is preparing to go on a mission and along with his family only have a few years of membership in the church. Now, we had never been to visit this guy before, nor his family, so we show up and we call out to them, and this rough looking guy with a beard and a big earring in his right ear comes out and doesn't say anything to us, but goes back in to call for Cristofer's mom. She comes out and she lets us inside to share a message with her. We were talking to her for a minute, while this other guy was cutting up meat to get ready to put his taco stand out later that night. (Ya dad, I know your mouth is watering right now). Anyways, we start to talk and he actually was a really cool guy! We shared a little bit about Joseph Smith and the restoration, left him a Book of Mormon, and we invited him to go to church and he said we could pass by some other day. 

Well, he shows up at church all fixed up with a tie and everything, telling us that he had read the part in the Book of Mormon that we had left him and that we could pass by later that afternoon. So we go by, and we just had an awesome lesson with him! We were talking for a little bit, and when we started the actual lesson, he gets up and grabs a notebook and a pen to take notes. We kind of laughed because honestly we had never really seen that before! And so he goes, "If you asked me why I grabbed this notebook, I wouldn't know how to answer. If you asked me why I read the Book of Mormon, I wouldn't know how to answer. It just feels good, I like it!" At that moment it totally hit me that, just as Boyd K. Packer says, The gospel will sound familiar to people who have never heard it before because of the light of Christ that everyone has inside of them. Haha and to prove his point a little bit more he tells me, "Grab that book that's on the dresser, and ask me why I read it." So I grabbed it, just a big thick novel titled, 'The eyes of my princess'. I couldn't stop laughing! He said, "I have no clue why I read it. But I did. And I liked it." And he explained that that was how he felt with the Book of Mormon and everything. We proceeded with the lesson and taught him about the Gospel of Christ. Such a powerful lesson. He understood every little thing, to the point that at the end of the lesson he was asking us about all the things that he's gonna need to bring to his baptism on November 8th. Haha. Talk about a golden investigator.

I really feel the Lord is blessing us. Every one of us. Out here in the mission as well as back home. I'm just so thankful for this marvelous work and such a great family that I have to support me. I love you guys so much. Have a great week!!!

Elder Webb

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